
Accounting Software Blog

Tips for Securing Mobile Workers

Doing business requires a lot of time spent on the road, but what's different these days is you and your employees are on the road with YOUR business data.
Thursday, July 21, 2011/Author: Sheri Mora/Number of views (3286)/Comments (0)/
Categories: SecurityTech News

Android Attack

A new variant of Zitmo, the Zeus Trojan spyware application that steals people's financial data, has been detected in the Android market.
Saturday, July 9, 2011/Author: Sheri Mora/Number of views (5329)/Comments (0)/
Categories: SecurityTech News
Sunday, May 29, 2011/Author: Sheri Mora/Number of views (2858)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Security
Sunday, May 22, 2011/Author: Sheri Mora/Number of views (3255)/Comments (0)/
Categories: SecurityTech News

Infected Android apps can hijack your texts

11 Android apps have been found to contain malware that is rigged to automatically send text messages from your Google Android smartphone to phone numbers in China.
Sunday, May 15, 2011/Author: Sheri Mora/Number of views (3562)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Security